OEM Parts & Genuine Parts

OEM, or Original Equipment Manufacturers, is a term that is well-known in the automotive industry. For those who are unfamiliar with it, this article will help you understand it better.


Genuine Parts: Installed in a new vehicle when it is initially built. It is with safe parts that the manufacturer ensures quality such as accuracy and durability, as well as guarantees that the manufacturer has met the standards. It is safe and secure because it is a component used in the production of a new car.

OEM Parts: Created by the company that originally created the parts for the automaker. Even though it is not from the manufacturer, OEM quality can be on par with genuine parts. It simply lacks the manufacturer’s branding.

OEM appears to be a recognition that the quality is the same as genuine parts and the price is low, but even if they appear to be identical, the quality and durability of the components vary depending on the materials used, so they are significantly different. It’s less than half the price of genuine parts, but keep in mind that it as a set with risk.


Manufacturers used to build every component of a car. At times, the pace of the automobile industry is so quick that manufacturers are forced to contract with other companies to make their vehicle’s parts. This is not a bad situation because the grade of produce is increasing due to these organizations hired are experts in developing and making these parts for specific manufacturers.


Genuine and OEM both have advantages and disadvantages. OEM components are a good option if you want to save money while maintaining a high level of quality. Genuine parts are better for your car if budget is not an issue.

We are a Japanese Service Center that is subsidiarized by a Japanese Authorized Car Dealer, and we place the highest importance on our customers’ safety and security. As a result, we only use genuine parts for the most crucial car parts. By utilising genuine parts, you can begin a safe and secure car life with less hassle by fully showing the characteristics and performance of the vehicle. The car is made up of around 20,000 pieces; therefore, we recommend using genuine parts to maintain the condition of your vehicle.

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